Reading your Bible for Today April 28

April 28: Psalm 145:17-19

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 145:18
18 The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.

How many times do you get asked if you know someone who went to or goes to the same school as you? Nowadays the likelihood of actually knowing so many people as go to the same schools is quite slim – but still they ask. Then you may one day be asked if you know someone and the name rings a bell; you know of them by name, but you don't actually know them. Maybe you will even be asked about someone who was in the same class as you, but because you never actually mixed with them, all you can say is “yes, I did know of them, but they never mixed with me...” The only ones who you will be able to confidently talk about are the ones who knew you and mixed with you.

When we get to heaven we are going to have Christ standing up as your witness, as the person who knew us! If He is going to answer questions about us, should He not be given the chance to get to know us first? How would we feel if we heard Him say “yes, I did know of them, but they never came to me...” Knowing that we know a lot about Christ because we have read our bibles is not going to get Him to admit to knowing us. But if we are willing to mix with Him and get to know Him properly, believing and trusting in Him, then He is going to have no problem standing up as our witness.

Right from the beginning of time God has tried to give us every opportunity to get to know Him. He has given us the means by which we can learn about Him, the means by which we can be introduced to Him. He continues to make sure we do have those same chances over and over again. He even takes a step forward and tries to introduce Himself to us. But until we actually respond to Him, until we actually acknowledge Him, we are going to be left in the dark and will never know Him as our friend.

Points to Ponder:
How did you first make friends at school?

Have you allowed God to introduce Himself to you yet?


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