Reading your Bible for Today May 16

May 16: Numbers 22:15-21

KJV Key Verse: Numbers 22:18
18 And Balaam answered and said unto the servants of Balak, If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of the LORD my God, to do less or more.

Whilst we often look at this chapter in Numbers as being a funny part of God's Word, there is a serious side of it that we should never forget. Balak was the king of Moab at the time and he did not like the sight of all of Israel descending upon his kingdom. He wanted to get God to curse the children of Israel before they had a chance to come too close. He had this notion that he could get a prophet to pray for evil upon God's chosen people; and he wanted a blessing upon himself so he may continue to prosper.

Balak was obviously impressed with what Balaam (the prophet) was doing and knew he had a God behind him who was very powerful. Somehow, he thought God would be like any other god he had worshipped and would bow to him requests. Obviously the so-called prophets of Baal had done exactly that before and he was used to it. What he did not count on was our God being a just and faithful God.

Balak was under such conviction that he was able to do anything he continued to bother Balaam every day to get his own way. Balaam’s first answer was the only answer he should ever have had to give: I cannot do anything against God. God is all I listen to! Each one of us has our weaknesses, each one of us has our strengths. But like everyone, we think our strengths are far greater than our weaknesses. We believe we are able to stand up to temptation. We believe we are able to stand up to anything... But unless we are willing to listen to God, listen to exactly what He wants us to do, then we will fall into that temptation.

Balaam knew God’s power. He knew God's will... but he bent the rules albeit ever so slightly. We cannot afford to do any bending from God's laws...

Points to Ponder:
How often do you bend the rules at home?

How often do you bend God's rules to suit yourself?


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