Reading your Bible for Today May 22

May 22: Proverbs 22:6

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 22:6
6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Do you look at this verse and say, “if only it was that easy?” Or do you turn round and think to yourself “why didn't someone tell me that in the beginning!” As parents, we try to guide our children in the right direction so they will have a better future for themselves, and this is what we expect from our parents; but we all have free will and we all end up making our own choices!

As children we expect our parents to be able to give us enlightenment so we will be able to go forward in life. What we do not think of at the time is just how important the stages are that we go through. We tend to decide for ourselves what is right and wrong and what we need to remember! We begin to think we know more than our parents and that we know what we should be learning!

As parents we try to remember the things which we learned and the things which we got wrong. We try to measure up to expectations and even over compensate for many things too. We try to adjust our children’s learning so they will not have to go through all the pitfalls we did. But still we see them trip and fall and go through many of the same learning experiences as we did.

But there are happily many things we do learn from our parents which we do not forget. There are many things which stick in our minds and that make us the people we are. If our parents are going to set a good example for us, then we will remember the good example they set and aim to live up to that example. What we also need to do is to look at the example Christ has set for each of us. We need to strive towards that mark so we will allow others to be able to see Christ through us, not just our parents. Living up to Christ's expectations may be hard, but it is well worth it!

Points to Ponder:
Just how much do you learn from your parents (both right and wrong)?

How much are you looking to Christ for your example to live by?


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