Reading your Bible for Today May 26
May 26: Psalm 62:1-7
KJV Key Verse: Psalm 62:7
7 In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.
It is not that hard to forget just who we need to be looking up to all the time. But, it only takes a few seconds of seeing something or hearing something which will then tempt us away to do things. Giving in to those temptations then weakens us spiritually. We then are more susceptible to those same or similar temptations, which means we give in just a little more, and so we weaken ourselves to the point where we fall down...
King David was one who knew The Lord was his strength. He knew God was the one who could give him the strength to continue and to set examples. But, just like any of us, he too had times when he would give in and fall into temptations. He too would be weakened by what he was doing. But when he started to show signs of weakness, he would remember just who was his strength. Each one of us can draw strength from these words, knowing that God is going to be standing by all the time, knowing that we can depend on Him 100% of the time, even if we cannot depend on ourselves!
So long as we focus on Him in our lives, we will head in the right direction; so long as we focus on Him, we will not be drawn into so many temptations. When Satan sees that we are weakening, he does not sit around and wait for us to fall, he is going to be there trying to trip us up! Christ is the one who will be there waiting for us to put our hands out so we can find strength and support in Him. Christ does not want to wait until we fall. He wants us to reach out whilst we are still strong. He wants to give us an impenetrable shield! He is our Salvations. He is our shield. All we have to do is use Him!
Points to Ponder:
Can you always stand up and say no to friends asking you to do things wrong?
Do you strengthen yourself through Christ each day?
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