Reading your Bible for Today May 29
May 29: 1 Peter 1:24-25
KJV Key Verse: 1 Peter 1:25
25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
We can look back over historical records and find out how we are more likely to live for longer nowadays than we did a few hundred years ago. We can see how the medicines and lifestyles which we have now have improved our lives. Those people who lived in the past would probably look at our age and think we have a continual life of luxury when compared to themselves. But, just like then, our lives will still come to an end and that end is still unpredictable. We may live out our life in full and be over one hundred years old when we die, or we may contract one of the incurable diseases we still have lurking around and find out our life is cut very short. The fact is, we don't know how long we will live...
Another way of looking at things is that you spend about one quarter of your life in some sort of educational establishment; from home to school and university. Then we try to work our way up the ladder by working hard in our employment. We may find we never quite reach the heights we think we ought to before we have to retire as we have reached an age when we can no longer keep up with the rest. Then we spend the rest of our days in retirement, hopefully enjoying ourselves...
How can any of this compare to the age of the earth? How can any of this compare to the length of time we have written historical records about? Our lives are, in fact, quite short when compared to anything... But still God's Word has been there from the beginning of time and continues to be here. His Word continues to be heard (though we may think by fewer people each year). His Word outlasts each one of us and it will continue to last even after this word is gone. This same Word which is given to each one of us will continue through eternity... That is why we should stand up and embrace it into our lives with all that it stands for.
Points to Ponder:
How many times do your parents have to tell you something before you believe it?
How many times does God have to remind you of His Word?
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