Creating a Sun Delay

 by Rachel Macy Stafford, from Only Love Today

 I vow to let go of my distractions long enough to create a sun delay. — Rachel Macy Stafford

I remember the first time I started collecting hellos.

Instead of staring at the screen of my phone or reviewing my to-do list that day, I simply watched for my child to exit the school doors. When she did, I had to fight back the tears. I never knew that the minute she emerges from that building, her eyes search for me I never knew that when she spots me, her eyes melt into tiny slivers of joy that seem to merge with the corners of her mouth. I never knew that she vigorously waves her tiny hand as if she is waving to Mickey Mouse himself. I never knew how her backpack happily bounces up and down as if she is walking on air to meet me. I never knew someone could be this happy simply to see me.

But now I do. Thank you, God, now I do. That was the day I discovered nothing on a screen or a list could compare to the sight of my beloved’s face as she comes towards me.

That was the day I started collecting hellos.

Someday this sacred collection will soften the pain of the inevitable good-byes.

Today’s Reminder

When I greet my loved ones with happiness, excitement, interest, and love, the message I am sending is: You are loved. Today I’ve decided that showing my family I’m happy to see them is important to me. I vow to let go of my distractions long enough to create a sun delay, which means: no matter what I am in the middle of doing, no matter how inconvenient it is to look up, no matter how busy I think I am, when my loved ones walk into the room or return after a separation, my world is going to stop for a moment so love from me can shine in their eyes and hearts.

Today is a great day to thank Jesus for your loved ones and to slow down to notice their love for you and show your love for them. Who are you grateful for? Are you practicing a sun delay in celebration of them and your thankfulness to God for them?


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