Reading your Bible for today June 17

June 17: Psalm 119:65-72

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 119:72
72 The law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver.

Just how willing are you to listen and learn? How willing are you to take notice of people when they try to teach you things? Does it depend on whether you think the subject is interesting or important? What could be more important than where you are going to spend the rest of your immortal life?

Whilst we may not think of these questions all the time, we do face them all the time and we do make these decisions without thinking. Much of the time we are persuaded by what others are doing around us and we go with the flow rather than standing up for what is right or correct. Being seen to blend in with the crowd seems to take centre stage!

The one thing we need to realise is that God deals with us like a loving parent does. He does allow us to get into trouble when we deserve it. He does allow us to find out things the hard way when we are not listening to reason. He does reward us when we do get things right and He does protect us whenever we need it and sometimes when we least expect it too! He has given to us more than we deserve because His grace is something special! Why then do we not listen intently to His Word? If we do listen, why do we not apply it in every walk of life?

So many of us have shortcomings in our lives where we have heard what we need to do, know what we need to do, but still do something different. We walk a different walk to Christ – not because we don't know any better, but because we choose to do so! You may say “but I didn't do anything,” but the fact is you may well have chosen to do nothing instead of doing what was right – you still made a conscious decision to do nothing! We really do need to stand up to the truth and do it, not just read about it!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you “do nothing”?

How often do you ask God for guidance to do the right thing?


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