Reading your Bible for today June 21
June 21: 1 Corinthians 1:13-18
KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:17
17 For Christ sent me not to baptize , but to preach the gospel : not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect .
Have you forgotten why you are here on earth? Have you got too involved in other things to remember just who is in charge of this place that we call home? Would you dare to walk in to school and proceed in telling the headmaster what his job actually is? Or would you have the nerve to stop a policeman and tell him about how he should be driving his car?
Too many people tend to elevate themselves into a position of importance which is just not what they are, or into a position which rightly belongs to another. When we are doing that, we are deceiving ourselves as well as others. We are even robbing someone else of their rightful position or estate.
When Satan tried to elevate himself into the position of God, he found out the hard way he was not going to ever take the position of God and he would have to pay for it! The bible tells us all about who is in charge here. The bible tells us all about the wonderful things which God does for us. The bible tells us all about the things we should be doing for Him... yet we ignore it at every opportunity we can – or at least that is what is must seem like!
We were not simply grown over millions of years from a single cell. We were not created by a huge big bang from nothing. God created us in this universe. He created us within the realm of time. He created us in His image. He deserves a whole lot more than us ignoring Him! We need to show Him we love and care for Him by doing His will in our lives and showing others that we are willing to do that too!
Points to Ponder:
Do you ignore your teachers in class?
God created us out of love. God wants us to show Him that we can love Him back.
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