Reading your Bible for Today June 6

June 6: Mark 1:1-8

KJV Key Verse: Mark 1:6
6 And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey;

The gospel of Mark begins with an account of John the Baptist. By all accounts a very humble man who was not much to look at. But there were those who would question whether they should worship him because of the authority by which he spoke. There were prophets of old who prophesied about his coming and where he would preach. He was a man of God and showed no pretence about who others should think he is. What an example we can follow!

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting we arrive at church each week wearing garment that are pure, rustic, straight from the camel’s back like he did. What I am suggesting is that we take a look at the way he presented himself spiritually. Physically I am sure he was not much to look at. But spiritually he was a giant who so many people looked up at. People would come to listen to his words so they could find out the truth. They knew he was telling the truth. They knew they would find honesty behind those words because he showed honesty on the outside as well.

There was no pretence about having to wear the best or make sure people had to be their best before they could be forgiven. He wanted us to know that Christ is able to forgive when we are in any state. We do not have to present ourselves to God in a blameless state before He will forgive us! He takes us when we are at our worst and forgives us, totally! When we feel like we are not worthy to even shine His shoes, when we feel like we are not worthy to even look upon His garments, when we feel like we are not even worthy to have our name mentioned before Him; that is when He is willing to come forward and accept us into His Kingdom! He is the one who forgives us from the inside!

Points to Ponder:
Do you always dress up before you go out?

What do you try to hide before you go to church?


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