Reading your Bible for today July 10

July 10: Matthew 19:16-22

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 19:21
21 Jesus said unto him,If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

So many people think that being a Christian is about keeping the commandments and about doing the right thing all the time. People think that by acting like a Christian they will be recognised as one and will thereby get to heaven. What Christ pointed out to the good man who came to Him was that it takes a step further than just acting or even being good. It takes the step which will show how you are willing to give up everything just so you can be with God!

Being a Christian means you are willing to show God that you are willing to put Him first. Putting Him first means you are willing to give up things if He wants you to – even if that means giving up your whole inheritance! That does not mean we all have to rush out and sell up and give everything to the poor so we too can be poor. What it means is we have to give up holding money first in our lives and put God first!

We also have to show the right attitude in giving up what we hold dear in our lives. Be it the football games which take us away from church or the car we always shine on Sundays. We need to make sure we are cheerfully willing to give those things up just so we can be closer to God. There is a big difference between cheerfully giving up what you hold dear in your life for God and giving it up just because you have to! God wants us to want to be with Him. God wants us to be eager to get to be with Him. God wants us to be eager to tell others about what we do on Sundays instead of the things that they do.

If we are happy about being associated with God, then God will be happy about knowing us. He will show us through the things that He does for us and through the way we will be able to help others in His name.

Points to Ponder:
Are you happy to be with friends?

Do you think God is happy to know you?


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