Reading your Bible for today July 12

July 12: Ephesians 4:25-32

KJV Key Verse: Ephesians 4:25
25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

When we become Christians, or aspire to be Christians, we need to know what sort of things are expected of us. These few verses in Paul's letter to the Ephesians remind us of exactly what we need to aim for. Basically, we need to put behind us everything that is contrary to the truth! There is no need to 'stretch the truth' or 'tell white lies' or 'flatter others' just to get your own way. We can all relate to lies and know it is wrong to lie, but when it comes to flattery, we start to ask why it is wrong.

There may well be just occasions when there is call for a bit of flattery, but people go way overboard when there is no need. People stretch the truth and even lie during their flattery. There is nothing wrong with telling a friend they look good if you really think they do, but why tell them they do when you think otherwise. The truth is better held out in front of you than hidden behind you. As long as we do go too far or put in a white lie or two, we are giving in to the great tempter. We are giving in to Satan. A bit sobering when you realise that, isn't it?

When people have done wrong, allowing them to work to get things right is going to make them feel a whole lot better for what they have done wrong. It will allow them to realise just how much they have worked against you. It will allow them to show you that they are sorry. It will allow them to live honestly so they can see the benefit of living honestly. Encouraging others to work towards truth and friendship will put so much jealousy and malice behind us we will start to act like the family God wants us to be!

Would you like to be given stolen property – especially if you knew the previous owner? How do you think God feels when we bring ourselves to Him with all the lies and bad feelings inside of us? We need to get rid of all that before we can draw closer to Him – Get rid of it through admitting them to Jesus Christ who died for that exact reason!

Points to Ponder:
Do you pick your friends too carefully?

What would you do if Christ picked His friends carefully?


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