Reading your Bible for today July 13

July 13: Ephesians 5:1-2

KJV Key Verse: Ephesians 5:2
And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. 

Are you one of those people who look at the 13th as being unlucky and walk around expecting things to go wrong? Well it is not Friday 13th so snap out of it and think about the bigger things we have in life; think about just how much Christ has done for us and He was not complaining about any days just because the date was wrong or the stars were not in the right place!

When you look up to someone, you try to imitate them in some way so you can be more like them. If we are going to look up to God, then we will want to imitate Him. We will want to be more like Him. Every Christians should be looking up to Christ and aspiring to be more like Him each and every hour. But just what does that entail? What do you look up to in Christ? What do you think is His most amazing feature? How often do you think about how wonderful He is?

I challenge you to think more about God and what He stands for. To think more about what He has done for you – not for everyone else, just you, personal things... How has He affected your life? How has He accomplished things in your life? If you are drawing a blank at the moment, then you need to think a bit harder because you are probably thinking you are in charge and in control rather than admitting God is. If you cannot see what God has done or allowed to happen in your life, then you are not admitting that there is a God and that He is real!

Young children follow their parents without question. They believe in them and trust them with their lives, not just for food! That trust is what God wants us to have with Him. We may well get worried about things going wrong in our lives, but we need to know that God is there and looking out for us. For that, we simply need to trust Him more! He is the one that has given up so much just because He cares so much for you!

Points to Ponder:
Do you still trust your parents all the time?

Do you look to God with that same trust?


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