Reading your Bible for today July 14

July 14: 2 Corinthians 8:10-15

KJV Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 8:14
14 But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality:

How many of us have a long list of things “to do” but never actually get around to doing those things on the list? Not really a good idea to keep that list unless you are actually going to do something about it! That should be the whole idea of a to-do list, to do the things on it! One of those things on the list must always be “to do things for God”. We will never run out of things we can do for Him and the more we are willing to do them, the more He will be willing to allow us to do things. And guess what, the more we do, the more we enjoy it and the more He will reward us!

Doing God's will should be like us doing a job we enjoy doing.  When we do things for our friends, we enjoy (most of the time) doing them. We also like it when they enjoy doing things for us. It certainly shows a mutual respect and hence love for each other. The more we are willing to do for God, the more we show our respect and love for Him. He has, after all, show us His abundance of love through what He has already done. But it will not stop there, for His love knows no bounds!

God is not asking us to do things we cannot do, but rather to do the things we can and to do them for His sake. If we all would do that, then we all would be able to live together a whole lot easier. We would be able to share our loads and share in the work. We would be able to support each other and encourage and be encouraged in ways we just dream of! God knows exactly what we can do – that has already been shown by His supplying enough food through manna in the desert. Each person had the right amount no matter how much they gathered... God can and does supply our needs as long as we are willing to help Him out too!

Points to Ponder:
Do you willingly help out in your household?

Do you willingly help out in your church?


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