Reading your Bible for today July 17

July 17: Proverbs 24:19-22

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 24:21
21 My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change :

Many times in our lives we look up to people or are envious of people who are actually doing things wrong. We have complete films made about people who are bad and the way they are portrayed makes you want them to succeed in their quests. It seems that not too many films are now made where the good guy succeeds at the end of the day! It is little wonder therefore that we are conditioned to such an extent where we are open to evil people and don't shut them out immediately.

The big problem comes when we become envious of their positions or of the things they are doing – that is when we are tempted more than ever to follow in their footsteps! The one thing that should always discourage us is the truth will always come out at some stage... maybe not here on earth whilst it is so corrupt, but it will prevail. We are faced with so much corruption in society we may not see any end to the evil and violence, but we can be assured that God is watching and will judge according to people’s actions and especially their hearts.

We need to make sure we do realise three things: God is in control, He is our Judge and He is just – nothing will work against His justice because it is true justice. God will always stand by His justice and will never change His laws. We change our laws according to popular belief! We change the rules to suit ourselves. We change... The more we allow that sort of change, the more unpredictable we become and the more likely we are to slip into some evil ways – Little wonder we are warned so many times against such things then... But who is going to stand up and listen to those warnings? Who is going to obey the original rules and who is going to uphold them? We need to! We need to stand firm on God's Word and let nothing persuade us otherwise!

Points to Ponder:
Do you always change your mind?

What would you do if God always changed His mind?


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