Reading your Bible for today July 20

July 20: Leviticus 19:17-18

KJV Key Verse: Leviticus 19:18
18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.

If you want a gentle reminder about the 10 commandments and a bit of an expansion on them, read this whole chapter – but think about the verses as you go.

Hate is a feeling which you think you may be able to hide, but in truth it will show as plainly as night and day. You may not recognise it when you are young, but as you grow in learning and wisdom you will see the telling signs. When we are young we will often confuse love and hate because of what others are trying to do for us. As God reminds us through these words, we are to rebuke our neighbour in love. This does not mean we have to be unkind to show our love but that we need to see when others around us are doing wrong and remind them of what they are doing wrong.

When you see someone doing things which God does not allow, simply ignoring those things and continuing is actually making you a part of that sin... We are taking on part of that guilt because we are accepting it – just as if we are doing it. Our parents will stop us from doing things which are wrong, not because they hate us, but because they love us and want us to grow up knowing right from wrong. If we want others to be able to help us do the right thing, then we have to stand up and help them to do the right things. Following God's examples is the best start!

Just because someone has told us off for doing something wrong, does not give us the right to bear a grudge against them for doing that! Nor should we bear grudges when people actually do things wrong against us – wars are started over simple arguments! We often do things wrong against ourselves, but never bear grudges against ourselves... why should we treat others any different?

Points to Ponder:
Are you carrying grudges?

We would all be in great trouble if God carried any grudge!


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