Reading your Bible for today July 23

July 23: Proverbs 24:23-26

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 24:24
24 He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him:

Just as we have to be able to take advice and to take instructions to carry out our duties, those in charge need to be able to give the right advice and instructions too. Just as we have to accept the judgement from judges and magistrates, they are the ones that have to make sure their judgements are indeed just and right. We need to take heed from instructions like these to make sure when we get into a position of power that we instruct others as justly, wisely and righteously as we can. If we are willing to take instruction from God, then we will be more able to do those things.

When issuing instructions, we have to weigh up the consequences with the instructions we are going to give out. If we can see that the instructions may lead to terrible things, then we clearly cannot progress with those instructions! What we always need to keep in mind is that instructions don't always lead to physical mishaps, but also spiritual and mental mishaps. If we issue an instruction which is going to take anyone away from God, then we are working against God! People will find out what we have done and will point out those mistakes to all around – we will have to face up to that!

Likewise, if we are going to support the wicked people, then don't expect anyone to actually be encouraged by what we do. We must not be expectant of anything other than the same ill feelings which those evil people had from others. We will be thrown into the same bucket. If we are able to stand up against them, or show others we are willing to stand up against them – then we will get the support and admiration we seek. As long as we are willing to listen to God for those instructions, we will be heading in the right direction – who better to get praise from than God!

Points to Ponder:
Do you always do things in order to get praise?

When was the last time you did anything for God without expecting praise?


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