Reading your Bible for today July 24

July 24: 2 Peter 3:3-7

KJV Key Verse: 2 Peter 3:3
3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

One thing we will always face are people who want everything NOW! They don't want to wait for things and they certainly will not wait for anyone who asks them to be patient. People like this live hour by hour and block out anything which seems to take longer than their current span of thinking. So, when we as Christians talk about the unknown time of the return of Christ, they scoff at the idea that anything like this could happen because it has not yet happened... When someone gives them an idea they can follow which is more akin to their timespan, they follow that instead.

Satan is the master of deception and he will use anything to try and deceive us so our faith may falter. He wants to be able to trap each one of us into the belief that because something has not yet happened it will not happen. I can only imagine the lies he will be spreading when Christ takes us home. I can only begin to imagine how he will give everyone some miracle or happening which will persuade them to believe he alone is the Messiah and that the disappearance of all Christians was some other hoax!

If we are so easily persuaded by scientists who give us theories which seem to be plausible, then how easily will we be persuaded by someone who can make things happen to “prove” what he is talking about. We hide things in our minds because we want to believe or because we don't want to believe in things. We make up our own worlds around us instead of relying on the truth that is in one book – God's Word. If we take time to learn what God has already laid down in His Word, we will see warnings like this about what is going to happen and what is already happening. God knows it is all happening, why can't we see it? Because we don't want to!

Points to Ponder:
Are you willing to believe what your friends tell you?

Are you willing to believe what God tells you through the bible?


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