Reading your Bible for today July 26

July 26: Acts 13:38-41 

KJV Key Verse: Acts 13:39
39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.

Imagine the amount of sacrificing that would have to go on nowadays in order to get rid of our sins if Christ had not yet come to do that! Imagine the pressure on the priests who would have to take those sacrifices to God in the hopes He would still forgive us. The dread that each time they take in the sacrifice it may be the day God turns around and says the sins far outweigh the sacrifice! But we have Jesus Christ who is God's only son. No other sacrifice could ever top His and certainly no sin would ever cover the sacrifice He showed for each of us!

We need to make sure we do realise just how important His sacrifice was and still is. We have to remember Jesus is the Son of God and He did that for us, We have to remember it was purely to cover our sins, once and for all. That means there is nothing else we have to do to have our sins forgiven other than truly believe He did come to earth as man and give His life for us. No matter how closely we follow the law as laid down by Moses, no matter how much we try to offer our own sacrifices – none of them will ever be equal to His single sacrifice. So, all we need do is to believe on Jesus Christ and ask Him to forgive our sins because He took on the price for all of our sins.

Those who choose not to believe that Jesus died for them will face a certain end. There will be many. They are told over and over again of the sacrifice Jesus completed on the cross, but they simply refuse to believe He did it for them. Of if they say they believe, they do not see how He could have done it in their hearts – hence they don't truly believe. Jesus Christ is our Salvation! We can do so much more with Christ in our lives and He continues to enable us to do wonders to show the world He is real; look, learn, believe, enjoy!

Points to Ponder:
Do you ever worry that saying sorry will just not cut it one day?

Christ wants us to believe and be alive!


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