Reading your Bible for today July 27

July 27: Luke 24:44-51

KJV Key Verse: Luke 24:47
47 And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

Christ was quite clear about just what we should be doing to make sure we do have our sins forgiven. He personally told the disciples He needed to die on the cross for our sins. He told them everything had happened the way that it had because it was what was already prophesied and written in the scriptures which they had not yet realised. He also reminded them about their duties to go out and preach in His name to make sure we do realise it is only through Christ that our sins are forgiven – because He was our sacrifice!

Christ lead the disciples back out to Bethany where the agony all started because He wanted to make sure the disciples would have personal knowledge of what was about to happen. This was the point where He would leave mankind for a while and ascend into heaven to carry out what He had already told them. Nobody had seen Him ascend from the tomb. How could they be sure that He had actually ascended? With this personal eye witness account, how could anyone not believe...

We read about Christ throughout all of the scriptures. We read about His coming in the old testament, though nobody yet understood what was going to happen. We read about how the prophets foretold of His birth and sacrifice, yet people did not know what to expect. Then we read about His birth and life and people began to see what they could expect. Yet when He went to the cross, many lost hope – because they had not understood the scriptures. Christ has not only given His life for us, but He made sure that enough was done so that we could be in no doubt about what had happened. All we have to do is to read and believe His Word and the rest will come through His teaching.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you only believe things you see?

Do you expect others to believe you after you have seen something?


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