Reading your Bible for today July 28

July 28: Act 2:42-47

KJV Key Verse: Acts 2:47
47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

After the apostles had been witnesses to Christ's life, death, resurrection and final ascension, they went out and preached with great confidence, belief and built up churches through their excellent witnessing. They were even given great powers by Christ to perform miracles like healing the sick so people would know Christ was behind these churches. Their zeal was beyond reproach as they did everything to make sure as many people as possible came to hear about Christ and get to know the truth through the gospel.

Each person who joined the church had one thing in common. A personal knowledge of Christ and what He could do in their lives. That personal knowledge may not have come through a face to face introduction to Christ Himself, but an introduction to Him through His Word and The Holy Spirit. The Apostles would have no worries about being able to convince people of His existence because it was only a short time before hand when Christ was with them and everything was fresh in their minds. Today we are not introduced to Christ face to face either, but as soon as we get to know Him through The Holy Spirit, we too can have that personal introduction and we too will know that He is real!

The early church had no problems getting up and getting to the temples on time. They had no issues with being their every week, making sure God came first in their lives. But as we go on further in time that desperation to be in church has all but gone. Gone with the fear of God. Because people cannot see what God can do until after they have got to know God, they lose interest before they get to know Him. We need to show people through our actions that we know Him and that it is absolutely worth while!

Points to Ponder:
How do you convince your friends to do something?

Have you tried convincing them in the same way that Christ is real?


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