Reading your Bible for today July 7

July 7: Genesis 8:18-22

KJV Key Verse: Genesis 8:22
22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Just as God has the power to create things, He has the power to remove and destroy things. He has shown His awesome power by flooding the entire world to rid it of the sinful people who had grown up from Adam and Eve's first sin. But because of just one family which was following God, He did not wipe out everything. He got Noah to build the ark and fill it with all the required animals and simply sit inside and wait whilst everything around was destroyed. He then kept Noah, his family and all the animals safe until there was once again dry land to live on.

When Noah and his family realised the power of God was more than they had imagined, I'm pretty sure they were in a bit of a rush to make sure God knew of their respect. I'm sure the altar and offering which they offered was the best they could offer. I'm sure they did not hold anything at all back whilst those thoughts were in their minds!

What would it take for you to realise God's power? I'm not just talking about the wonderful things He supplies for us, or the way He keeps us safe when things around seem to be falling apart... I'm talking about a life changing event... Does God have to change things for you so radically that you will be in no doubt? Do you need physical proof that He exists before you will live for Him?

Well, take a look around you. What do you see? How can any of these diverse things which we see now have come from anything else other than a perfect creation in the beginning? How can anything have come from a random chance happening when it is moving towards chaos again like it did in the days of Noah? Are you going to be ready for Christ's return like Noah was for God's actions?

Points to Ponder:
Do you need physical proof of things before you believe them?

Will you be ready when Christ returns?


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