Reading your Bible for today July 9

July 9: Proverbs 24:13-16

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 24:14
14 So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.

If we want to be able to be healthy then we have to go about living a healthy life and eating the right foods – so long as we keep shoving junk-food into our mouths we cannot hope to maintain a healthy body. So why do we think our spiritual lives are any different to our physical lives? So long as we keep shovelling the garbage into our lives we do not have the spiritual strength and spiritual health to live a better life!

Just like we need some sort of light to allow us to find the right direction, we still do have to choose the right path to follow. We cannot shine a light and expect the path ahead to become straight and narrow. We need to use that light to be able to follow the narrow and winding path – why else would we need the light?

We need to make sure we do consume God's Word so we can be strengthened from within. Taking God's Word in the prescribed dosage (daily) we can make sure we do understand just what He has in store for us and have a better chance at taking the right decisions when we come to them. It is no use having the light unless we use it to discern the right path to take. That means applying God's Word into our lives so that we can do exactly that. When we learn and understand just what God has in store for us we can also learn to depend on His promises, knowing He will continue to carry out each and every one – just as He has already done with all that have come to pass so far.

We need to make sure we do use His Light to show us the obstacles which are in our paths so we can avoid them and not get snared up each time we come to another temptation. Without His Light we would simply fall by the wayside just as those who do not have it...

Points to Ponder:
Do you apply what you learn in your physical life?

How much do you apply from learning in your spiritual life?


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