Reading your Bible for today June 2

July 2: Proverbs 24:10-12

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 24:12
12 If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?

Your strength is going to be tested just when you don't want it to be, or just when you least expect it to be. Satan may be the one who is throwing all sorts of fiery darts at you, but God may be the one allowing it to happen knowing it will build up your strength for what is ahead. He alone knows just how far you are able to go and just what you can sustain. He also wants us to be able to call upon His name for assistance when we need it! This is not some sadistic method to get us to depend on Him more, but the more we depend on Him the more we may be able to avoid the places where Satan can throw the fiery darts at us! If we back off when the going gets tough, we are not showing God we trust Him but showing our weaknesses, thus allowing Satan to get his satisfaction.

A real test of our strength of conviction and of character is not going to be when we see our friends facing difficult circumstances, or watching our friends make the wrong decisions. We would hope to be able to stand up for our friends every time in those cases. The real test is going to be when we see our neighbours or other people in danger or unjust proceedings. Are we going to stand by and watch? Are we going to cross over to the other side of the street to avoid it? Or are we going to do what we do for our friends and be there for that person?

What would we expect from strangers if we shouted out for help? Would we expect them all to run in opposite directions or would we expect (or hope for) them to come to our assistance? When we see terrible things like terrorist acts against the country, we tend to pull together, gaining strength in numbers. We like to think that we are supporting each other and that others can count on us like we hope we can count on them. If we are going to stand up and be counted and deliver all we can to help others, then we are finally following God's commandments!

Points to Ponder:
Do you run away when people need help?

Do you run towards them knowing God will back you up?


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