Reading your Bible for today August 15

August 15: John 8:12-20

KJV Key Verse: John 8:12
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying , I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. 

Nothing like a bit of controversy to start the day. Jesus was telling the people around Him that He is the light of the world. The first thing they grasp hold of is to say He is speaking of Himself so His own testimony is not a legal testimony – why then should they believe Him? But Jesus did something they were not expecting, He told them this was the testimony of not just Jesus, but His Father too. Jesus was giving testimony from His real seat as part of the Holy Trinity and not as Jesus the man.

Far too often we get tied up in the ways and limitations of the world as we see it rather than thinking like Jesus and taking the whole of existence into account. Jesus is not limited by our human limits nor by our physical limits. Jesus is part of the God Head and as such is not limited to our earthly domain. This is something we do get tied up with from time to time and we get bogged down because we try to impose our limits to have some sort of earthly understanding.

Sometimes we just have to believe in what Jesus is saying and try not to dissect everything into little bits we can comprehend easily. Jesus is part of God and that is something we have to get used to believing in order to trust Him and have absolute faith in Him. If He were just a man then we would only have faith in someone else albeit the most trustworthy person on the planet. But Jesus is so much more than just a man.

Don’ try to figure Him out; believe and allow your heart, soul and mind to work with the assumption He is Lord of all. When we start to get that into our heads we can then make sense of the things He is saying, the things He was and is able to do and even the promises He has made to us all. Live in the firm belief that Jesus Christ is God and we are destined to spend the rest of our lives with Him and then the rest of eternity with Him too! Jus trust and have faith…

Points to Ponder:
Do you struggle with believing what people say?

Are you trusting Jesus as God or as man?


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