Reading your Bible for today August 16

August 16: Matthew 5:13-16

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 5:14
14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

Yesterday we heard how Jesus described Himself as being the light of the world; today we hear Him say that we are the salt and light of the world! Jesus knew just how important light was in the world – just think how dark it gets when away from home camping or elsewhere. The darker the place is, the more difference a single tiny light can make; a camping light is not really bright enough to use at home, but whatever the light it makes a big difference.

The problem with light is that it travels in straight lines and not around corners. But even though this is true, when a single light source comes into a dark room, the whole room is going to be made lighter because of the reflection of light off various surfaces. Think about that for a little bit. If Christ is saying we are lights, then even if we do not make a direct difference to someone’s life, the very fact they come close to us will mean they notice some sort of difference!

We may not be able to reach all people in our lives, but we can reach some people meaning we are making a bigger difference to many more people than we realise. There is no mistake in Jesus saying we are like salt before saying we are the light. Salt can make a very big difference in the taste of a meal even though only a little bit is used. When we come into contact with people we may not take over their lives and we may not spend all the time with them, but we do make a difference.

That small difference, though not a direct difference to all people, will make a difference to more people than we personally reach. Don’t give up just because you cannot personally reach someone because just being close to them can make a small difference, just enough for them to see something otherwise hidden from them because of the darkness surrounding them. You are someone who does make a difference and God knows that difference you are making!

Points to Ponder:
How many people know you?

How many people know those people?


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