Reading your Bible for today August 2

August 2: Isaiah 6:1-8

KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 6:8
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying , Whom shall I send , and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

This is probably one of the better known places in our bibles when we read about someone agreeing to be sent. But Isaiah’s vision is not a quiet time when the Lord gently visits him and asks him to go tell people about God. Far from it. This is a bit of a scary time when Isaiah sees seraphim flying and calling out to everyone that God is Holy!

Isaiah’s reaction is to be scared because he knows he is a sinner and because God is holy, He will not abide sin. How is Isaiah going to get round that one? At least that is what he is probably thinking at the time. The temple is filled with the sound of their voices and also with smoke. Then one of the seraphim plucks up a hot coal from the altar, brings it over to Isaiah and touches him on the mouth with it. Whilst this would normally burn any person, here the seraphim is using it to signify the cleansing of Isaiah’s mouth and taking away his sin to be presented sinless before God.

At this stage he does not have any problem with agreeing to what is being asked of Him. But what is going to be asked of him? If you were in this sort of situation, would you be agreeing to something before you knew what is being asked? Are you willing to say to God, “here I am, send me”? Are you willing to say that and then wait to see where God wants you to be or do you want to hear the where and when before you answer yes?

God is looking for people who are willing. Not just willing because it sounds good, but willing to go no matter what. God wants us to trust Him knowing He is calling us and will be looking out for us!

Points to Ponder:
Will you say yes?

Or do you want to hear what it is first?


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