Reading your Bible for today August 28

August 28: 1 Samuel 25:23-27

KJV Key Verse: 1 Samuel 25:24
24 And fell at his feet, and said, Upon me, my lord, upon me let this iniquity be: and let thine handmaid, I pray thee, speak in thine audience, and hear the words of thine handmaid.

If you heard the King or Queen was coming to visit you, what would you do in preparation for the visit? I know there is going to be an obscene amount of security and other protocols which have to be followed and adhered to nowadays with any dignitaries, but what would you personally do as a personal gesture? What Abigail did was out of the ordinary – she went out of her way to make sure David’s entry was one based on a peaceful and friendly meeting and not the bullish approach Nabal had.

David made sure Nabal’s stock and land was kept safe as he approached. David was extending out a hand of friendship to come together as an ally, but Nabal got it in his head David was here for other reasons. Are you going to stretch out a hand of friendship or will you automatically assume your visitor has other motives for the visit and be on your guard?

If we want to be friendly then we have to make the right moves in the beginning, showing a foreigner that you wish to be friendly will allow them to come in peace and not be on their own guard. The worst thing to do is to be on edge for a new meeting because the stress of the situation may well make you say or do the wrong thing! Abigail wanted David to be at ease and rushed out with an offering and kind words, inviting him in and warning of Nabal’s wicked attitude before he had to experience it first-hand.

I like to think I approach new meeting like Abigail, but I know I get things wrong time and time again; we all do get things wrong. But the initial intent is what will be seen and remembered. First impressions do actually mean a lot. So allow the people around you to se a first impression which will make them think about the goodness and mercy which God is teaching and showing you. Allow people to see a glimpse of what God can do in their lives rather than winding them up and getting them cross before they know anything about God.

Points to Ponder:
What is you first impression?

Do you continue to show people love and kindness like Jesus did?


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