Reading your Bible for today August 31

August 31: Psalm 127:1-2

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 127:1
1 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

Our Christian walk has to be a complete walking regime in order for it to be truly profitable. What use is a single short stroll once a week? What use is a quick shout when we are down? What we need is a constant communion with our Lord, a constant awareness of His presence, and a constant abiding in His grip. A life without God is a life to no avail – what would all the living be for if it is to end in endless death?

If you are going to build a house, the best thing you can do is to build it with the right materials and to use the correct bonding agent to make it all stick together. It would not be safe to live in if the house was built with bricks but no cement used to stick the bricks together. Equally, using cement to stick things together is not going to get you anywhere if you are going to use polystyrene bricks! We need to build our house on something firm as well to make sure that when the house is shaken, the firm foundation will allow the house to continue standing.

No matter what precautions we take to try and keep bad things from us, the devil is the only one who will always be able to think of something to trip us up. No matter how much we depend on ourselves for that strength, it will be tested beyond what we are capable of defending. No matter how early we try to get up to keep danger away, we will always be surprised to find that the devil is already there!

God wants us to live a life WITH Him so He can be a constant companion, guard, guide and shield. He wants to show us all that He is more powerful than any evil and is more capable than any of the fallen angels which He created. He wants every one of us to be secure in His arms. He wants every one of us to be WITH Him.

Points to Ponder:
What do you as being your personal strengths?

How powerful are they compared to the power of God?


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