Reading your Bible for today September 21

September 21: Psalm 136:23-26

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 136:26
26 O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever.

If you have doubts about whether God has done anything for you, then all you have to do is to think back over your life and see all the things He has done. They will start from before you were actually born because He made it possible for you to be born in the first place. He has given instruction to so many from the beginning of time and continued to encourage and show mercy throughout time.

He is the one who looks out for us when we are at our lowest ebb. He is the one waiting, patiently waiting, for us to call on Him because He is merciful. Each time we go back and see when we were at a low ebb in our lives, we will see that something happened to get us back on track; ever thought who made it happen? Each time we have been faced with people conspiring against us, He is the one waiting for us to call out for help so He can. We try to do our own battles for as long as we can instead of calling on His name before we get into a sticky mess!

He is the one who has created our wonderful planet which we live on giving us all manner of food to live with and making sure there is a cycle of life that runs from the very biggest mammal to the very smallest insect and even the bacteria. We all live together sustaining each other. He is the one who created all of this. The more we inject into the world, the more we seem to break things down – but God patiently waits for us to ask Him for help and guidance.

With all that knowledge of everything He has done, we need to get up and thank Him for everything – because He is the merciful God that continues to be by our sides. He is the only one that deserves our worship and praise!

Points to Ponder:
How many tight spots have you been through?

How often do you listen to God?


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