Reading your Bible for today September 25

September 25: Luke 10:30-37

KJV Key Verse: Luke 10:37
37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him,Go, and do thou likewise.

How far are you willing to step out of line to help someone. Yesterday we heard how God wants us to be neighbourly to others and how Israel had been taught this from the beginning, yet we continue to turn our backs on people in need every day. Now we have a global society, we get to hear all about things happening all over the world and whilst some are willing to go places and help out it is not everyone who does. I'm not saying we should all jump on planes and arrive in Africa to help out with the people in need – besides a logistically impossible situation, the extra burden on all services and on Africa itself would probably cause even more chaos.

We, each of us, have needy people close at hand. This parable alludes to helping those who are close at hand, even if they are people you would not normally get involved with. God wants His light to shine through us when we step out of line and show people we do care. It is not just going to make us feel good, it is going to show others a small facet of God's love.

Many people are very religious but do not show God's true love. They will make sure they are always in church and everyone knows about them going to church, but they will not stop and help someone in need. They are more concerned about their image in and out of church than they are about the people around them. God's church is the people, not the buildings nor the splendour, nor the pomp and ceremonies. We are His church and we have to act like it because that is His will.

Being willing to go a bit further than most will allow others to see that you are genuine. Just doing it will not. Just paying someone else to do it will not. The willingness has to be there otherwise some will see right through you like God does!

Points to Ponder:
How much do you help around the house?

How much do you do for the church?


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