Reading your Bible for today September 26

September 26: Leviticus 25:35-43

KJV Key Verse: Leviticus 25:39
39 And if thy brother that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor, and be sold unto thee; thou shalt not compel him to serve as a bondservant:

So, you think you are just as good as the next person... Well, you probably are! We all, at one time or another, do good things. Just doing good things for your friends will ensure you can stay in your circle of friends. Doing good things for neighbours can be done by anyone; it just keeps you as a good neighbour. What is the next step which is going to set you apart from others? Surprisingly easy – expect nothing back.

Too many times we go off and do things for others because we are expecting them to do something in return. Too much of our lives are taken up in “I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine!” We always expect someone to do something in return for the things we do for them. That is human nature. Anyone can do that! To make a spiritual difference, you have to have the right attitude and that attitude is to expect nothing in return for anything that you do. To be totally unselfish, but still willing to do things for the poor or less well off.

“But I'm not selfish” cries coming from the back row... If we are only doing something because we expect a return on it, then that is selfish – we are only doing it for our own good. Even if we are only doing it for respect, we are still doing it for personal reasons. Jesus did not go to the cross to demand respect. He went to the cross with love and willingly laid down His own life so we may have a choice as to what to do. He did not lay it down just so we would feel guilty. He laid it down out of love, nothing more. He does not expect us to do anything (after all, He knows what we are like!) He gave us a fighting chance at making the right decision by doing something personal for each one of us. He showed that same attitude to the murderers and thieves as well as the priests and kings. He held out His hand to the people around Him who were less well off – not in monetary terms, but in all ways!

Points to Ponder:
What do you expect others to do for you?

Have you done something for God lately without expecting a return?


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