Reading your Bible for today September 27

September 27: 2 Peter 1:3-8

KJV Key Verse: 2 Peter 1:7
7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.

We have talked about basing our faith upon a solid rock, Jesus. Over the past week we have been looking at love and kindness to others. But, just like our faith has to be built up on a solid foundation, our love has to be built up on a solid base as well – without that we will struggle to keep to that love and kindness.

Just like our faith has to be on a solid foundation (the truth), our solid foundation for our actions has to be diligence. When we have a solid foundation of Christ beneath us, we have to make sure we remain diligent in our walk with Him. That means making sure we do commune constantly, keeping in touch by praying and by reading, always. That then becomes a solid faith base upon which we can add virtue. When we know what is right and wrong through our diligent communications, we need to stick to those rules, follow His commandments.

Sticking to those rules will allow us to learn more about the things we must remember about Christ so we can show others. But just knowing things is not enough because we do need to show others. Not everyone is going to listen, we will face rejection. But we need to have 'stickability' which will come easy if we are trusting in Him; it just logically follows on. Being able to be an example to others also follows on through our learning and yearning to be more like Christ.

And that is where our brotherly love comes in. If we are living the right life in Christ, then our brotherly love will automatically follow on. It will be automatic as long as we have learned God's Word. As long as we have been diligent. Being kind to others will allow you to see how much you do care for other and how much you are willing to do for them.

Points to Ponder:
What is stopping you from liking others?

What part of your foundation needs renewing?


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