Reading your Bible for today September 29

September 29: Mark 13:34-37

KJV Key Verse: Mark 13:37
37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.

Have you had to baby sit or look after someone else’s children before? Or have you had to look after a house whilst someone goes on leave or holiday? I'm sure each one of us has at some stage been put in charge of something where the exact end time has not been known. Most of the time we will get on with what we are supposed to and not worry about when it is going to end – knowing that it will end in due course. We have a mental picture in our minds of when it should end and therefore we do not let it worry us.

Christ has gone to prepare things for us and is awaiting the perfect time to come back to earth and take us home to be with Him. However, we have no knowledge of when this is going to be. We do not know the end time and therefore we tend to put it out of our minds rather than aim for when we think it is going to be. The disciples were convinced that Christ would return within a short period and went about their work diligently, expecting something soon. They had the right attitude!

When you have had to look after someone and you know the people are going to return within a few minutes, you go about making things tidy and cleaning up to try and show you were diligent in your work. We need to make sure we have that sort of attitude –Christ could be returning later on today. Have we done enough? Are we doing what we should be doing? Are we doing enough? We need to be working as if He was about to return. Are we keeping our houses in order?

We need to be ready. We need to have everything prepared. We need to make sure we do not let our lives in Christ go to sleep!

Points to Ponder:
How hard are you willing to work for money?

How willing are you to work with Christ?


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