Reading your Bible for today September 30

September 30: John 7:37-39

KJV Key Verse: John 7:37
37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying,If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.

What better thing to have on a scorching day than a nice cold drink and a bit of shade. (Not that we have a scorching day here in the UK) But have you ever been in a very hot place with little or no water or shade. Most deserts, by definition, get extremely hot, so hot that one cannot possible survive more than a few hours without shelter. And yet there is still life in those deserts. People still make a living knowing how to live and where to find the water and shelter. We are living in a time when we could well describe our society as a desert – far from God's Word, far from any spiritual goodness; yet there are still small patches where Christians do thrive.

Christ opened up the invitation again by calling out to anyone who is searching for the truth. He called out saying the truth can be found through Him. If we want to be able to seek out a meaning for our lives, then we have to seek out that truth. We find that truth through places such as our churches where the truth is being preached. Finding a church where that truth is told is as easy as looking for a church where they use God's Word to teach from. If you are seeking the truth and you are not looking where God's Word is being used, then you will not find what you need.

God's Word is a complete work. We should not require anything else. Indeed He has warned people should not try to add to it, nor to take away from it – because it is the absolute truth. We like to try and redefine things we don't like just so we can fit God's Word into our lives. The truth is we should be changing our lives and fitting into God's Word. We do that through learning more about Him and striving to be more like Him. He has promised us eternal life. He has given us all the proof we need. We need to make our minds up about just what we should be looking out for!

Points to Ponder:
Do you know anyone who has never told a lie?

How often do you search through God's Word?


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