Reading your Bible for today October 1

October 1: Leviticus 23:33-38

KJV Key Verse: Leviticus 23:38
38 Beside the sabbaths of the LORD, and beside your gifts, and beside all your vows, and beside all your freewill offerings, which ye give unto the LORD.

Have you sat and thought about the things you are actually doing in Christ’s name? How many of them are for you and how many of them are for Christ? You cannot just say they are all for Christ because some of the stuff you do is for your own satisfaction! Back in the early days when God was speaking to Moses to try and get the people of Israel to focus on God, many laws were written down and this is just a small part of them.

The feast of Tabernacles was a time when people would remember the many who stayed in temporary shelters as they made their way through the desert following God. This was a celebration which would start with a ‘day of rest’ and end with another ‘day of rest’. But the people would still be allowed to prepare food and celebrate this time, but the time would be dedicated to God. As long as we are dedicating our time and work to God, then He is going to be glorified and pleased with us. But as soon as we do it for our own good or for our own glory, we have lost sight on our commitment to God.

Christ wants an everlasting relationship with us. He does not want us to work ourselves into an early grave, not to focus on work so much we lose sight of Him. He wants us to be in constant thought of Him and to dedicate as much as we can to Him – this way He will get the glory and others will notice! Christ also wants us to have fun and downtime. He wants us to be able to stop and stand back, to enjoy life and to have fun. Just keep in mind it is Him we are serving all of the time – but on our days off we can stop and enjoy life.

No matter how solemn we get in life, there is always time to stop and enjoy life a little. Praise God for giving us life and allowing us time to enjoy it!

Points to Ponder:
How much time do you devote to God?

Do you take time off to enjoy life?


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