Reading your Bible for today October

October : Psalm 144:9-15

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 144:15
15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.

If we get gifts or favours from others, do we not thank them for doing what they have given or done? If people are kind enough to do things for us, should we not be thanking them for doing what they can? How about our leaders and those in authority? Have you ever thanked any of them? The one who is above us all is God and He alone is able to do all things for us. We are the ones who have to continually thank Him for each and every thing He does for us. With each new day, God supplies us with more riches that we need to praise Him for.

Any good leader would want their subjects to be in good spirits, to be happy with their lot, to be content with their authority. Any good leader should be looking out for their people, making sure they are protected and they feel safe. When their subjects ask for help and assistance, be it protection or aid, they should be willing to supply their needs. God places people in authority so they are able to look after others. It is an awesome responsibility. David's desire for his people is stated in the last few verses.

Parents love to see their children grow up in happiness and in comfort. If there was anything they would desire, it would be for their children's happiness before their own. To see them grow up as healthy plants rather than weeds gives them happiness themselves. God loves to see us grow up strong in His Word and depending on Him. He loves to see us grow up as the plants He has planted and not the weeds we tend to be if we do not listen! He loves to see us grow up strong in His Word so others can depend on us because ultimately they will learn to depend on Him too. He wants us to lack nothing, to want for nothing; because such is His love for us. For anyone to love us as much as Christ does means they are willing to do all things for us which we ask for. Asking means we are depending on them – that is His aim, to make us realise that we can and must depend on Him!

Points to Ponder:
If you had children, what would be your first wish for them?

Are you rebelling against God's wishes for you?


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