Reading your Bible for today November 23

November 23: Romans 6:8-12

KJV Key Verse: Romans 6:12
12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

We may well be weak and give in to our lusts and desires, but once we have given our life back to Him and realise He has died for our sin, we no longer have any reason to give in to those sins. When we did not have any reason to give up the sins, we continued because we thought they gave us something or that they pleased us in some way. But it does not take a rocket scientist to realise the more we get tangled up in sin, the more we are likely to be ruled by it.

However, when we realise just what Christ has done for us, we realise He did die for our sins. He died so we would not have to be ruled by our sin nature any more. We still have that sin nature, but we no longer need to continually give in to it and be ruled by it! The most amazing thing is He only had to die once to cover all our sins. No matter what the sin, He has paid for it in full – so long as we are the ones who have realised this fact and have asked for His forgiveness. If we are not willing to come to Him and ask for that forgiveness, then how are we going to ever get it?

If we continue to live in sin, we are acting as if Christ's death was to no effect, we blatantly say His death was for nothing. But we know different! We know His death was sufficient. We know He did that because of His immense love for us. We know that because He gave His life for us – so we would no longer be trapped by our own sins and we will be able to live with Him. So why continue to give in to the temptations if we no longer have need for them? Why continue to give up the fight when we know we are on the winning team? Why give up and let Satan in?

Points to Ponder:
How difficult do you find it to avoid sin?

How difficult would it be if you saw what Christ had to pay?


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