Reading your Bible for today November 27

November 27: Philemon 1:4-7

KJV Key Verse: Philemon 1:7
7 For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother.

When we do live our lives for Christ we make differences in many people lives. It is not only our life which is changed but those around as well. It's not just a physical thing... We can be friends and influence people just by being friendly to them. We can change things by being kind to people. We can look after others through love and kindness. But to make that real difference God needs to be in the relationship as well. The love of Christ unites us in ways we can only imagine. The love of Christ is going to help us remember people and to pray for them always. The love of Christ is going to help us to be there for people when they need it and to support them through His Word.

Supporting someone through physical means is always required. But when they is backed by Christian love, or better still, based on Christian love, then we know whatever happens will give God the glory rather than ourselves. When Christ is in it we will see others love for Christ refreshed when we share our love. When Christ is not, we just see our love in action. The difference between physical and Christian love runs much deeper than we realise.

We may step in and help out our friends when times get difficult, but what about when times are good. People need love and support always, not just when they get down. Why should we wait until something goes wrong before we step in and help out? Christ wants us to be united together always in His love and not just when others need it. He wants us to remember each other day in day out and not have to only pray for each other in troubled times. Real love is Christian love and it is in action 24/7. It knows no bounds and knows no rest. Christ has proven what Christian love means, we just need to follow on.

Points to Ponder:
How do you show people you love them?

Do you share Christ's love with them?


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