Reading your Bible for today December 16

December 16: Romans 5:20-21

KJV Key Verse: Romans 5:20
20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

Have you ever wondered how such great sinners can get to heaven simply by believing in Christ? Have you ever wondered how we can be forgiven for some of the things we have done? The answer is simple, through Christ and His righteousness we have a greater privilege than we have lost through all the sins that have come through mankind since Adam.

God's Word is a moral law. Through it we can see just how much sin we have simply by it explaining what our thoughts, words and deeds do to count against us. It does not go forward to make sure sin does abound, but rather that we should see our sin and try to stop it. It is only through us seeing we have sinned that we can then come to the conclusion how we do need Christ. It is like a light being brought into a dark room for the first time... How are we to know that there is dust and dirt in the room unless we have the light to show us that dirt!

God's Word is a just law. He has defined the perimeter. He are told that the penalty for sin is death. But God also reminds us that His gift to us is eternal life. He has promised us no matter what we have done in the past, so long as we are willing and able to believe in Him, we too will be given this most wondrous of gifts – eternal life through Jesus Christ. The flip side is that those who do not trust Christ will have to face up to the penalty.

We will never be able to attain eternal life without a pure and blameless sacrifice for our sinful lives. No matter how hard we try by ourselves, we will never be able to offer a good enough sacrifice. Christ offered Himself as that pure and blameless sacrifice so all of our sins could be covered. How can we not believe in Him...

Points to Ponder:
Do you try to help people only for them to reject you?

How many times have you rejected Christ in the past?


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