Reading your Bible for today December 19

December 19: 1 John 3:17-20

KJV Key Verse: 1 John 3:18
18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

How can we, in all good conscience, not help someone when we know we can or have the ability to help them... If we have the chance to help someone and refuse to do so, then should we expect anything less from others... Christ was the one who went out of His way to help us all by being born into this world and doing what He did. He did that because He could do it. He did not do it because He would like the pain and suffering but because of His love towards us. We need to follow on in His example and show compassion and love towards others when we have the ability to do so.

It is no good saying you are going to support someone and never getting round to doing so. It is no good saying you will be there for someone and never turning up. Christ gave His promise He would be there for us, and He did exactly that – because of His compassion towards us. He did what He did because it was right to do so. He did what He did because we needed a Saviour. He did what He did because He promised to do so.

How many times have you said to someone you would phone them back or do something later for them, knowing that you would never do what you had just said? How many times have you promised to do something just to get someone off your back? How many times have you promised to do more as a Christian and never got around to doing it? Each of us makes promises in the heat of the moment and go back on our promises after we have thought about it – or we just plain lie and never intend to carry out our promises. Others may not see into our hearts to see those lies, but after a while they will learn not to trust you. God knows exactly what we promise to do in His name...

Points to Ponder:
How often do you dish out false promises?

God never goes back on promises and never will...


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