Reading your Bible for today January 1

January 1: Genesis 8:20-22

KJV Key Verse: Genesis 8:22
22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Well, have you noticed any differences yet? Has the world turned upside down? Seriously, we put such a large amount of effort into celebrating the new year because it is a big event – or at least that is how we view it. We are the ones living within time and we are the ones governed by time. Our lives revolve around time and because we have a relatively short time on earth, we try to get a lot of things done – but what are we focusing on?

Noah was asked to do something very strange by God, something which would have made him look a bit ridiculous in many people’s eyes. He did it. And after he did it, he lifted up his heart to God through a joint family sacrifice. The last family on earth; or the first family on a new earth, depends how you look at it. He could have been distraught at the fact everyone else was no more, but he focused on God and showed his thankfulness as best he could. The promise God gave in return was one we live by today – even though we probably don't think about it all the time. God's promise was that the earth would continue to be exactly the same, having all the seasons and day and night for as long as He wanted it to exist. When the time is right, He alone will have done with it what He wills.

We may destroy things around us that we touch. We may pollute and trash the earth to such an extent we have an effect on the climate, but that climate will still exist. Changing from one year to another does not have a profound effect on the world. It affects us. God's promise still stands. His promises continue to ensure we still have a world that we can call home. He is our Creator and He is our Keeper. Why not make a difference and show God just how thankful we are this year by doing what is right by Him! He continues to supply our needs and continues to hang our planet in the middle of space... just because He loves us!

Points to Ponder:
What are you doing differently this year?

A very happy New Year to everyone!


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