Reading your Bible for today January 28

January 28: Proverbs 28:19-22

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 28:21
21 To have respect of persons is not good: for for a piece of bread that man will transgress.

Have you ever noticed how a hard and honest working person will always seem content with what they have. There is often no greater example than a labourer who works diligently knowing that his honest work will not only bring in a reasonable wage, but also go to helping others. But, it is no use simply working hard for the money otherwise you will very quickly get caught up in a working life where God is left out and where money takes over.

True happiness can only come from good and honest work. That does not mean doing a job with the best of your ability excluding all else! We always have to consider just who is in charge and what we should be doing. Taking off and focusing on exactly what you want and leaving God out is again putting God in second place. No matter how good a job we may think we are doing, our judgement is always going to be jaded by our lusts in life. We no longer have the right to judge fairly after what we do in our lives – judgement must be left to God alone. That does not exclude us from learning what is right and wrong and teaching others what we learn. That does not exclude helping others to see their mistakes – just never forget that you probably made bigger mistakes!

Going after a “quick buck” or “easy money” will always rub someone up the wrong way. Quite often we do that without thinking about what we are doing. Back when I was first looking for work, one of the jobs I tried was door to door sales. I could not bring myself to convince others they needed something which I was quite sure they did not need – despite the ranting and raving of the salesman trying to teach me to “sell”. Being honest must come before money. Being true must come before vanity. Being diligent must come before chasing shadows. Keeping your relationship with Christ must come before all of our lusts and desires.

Points to Ponder:
Do you have a go at anything?

Do you think about others in your quest for “life”?


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