Reading your Bible for today February 13

February 13: Romans 1:24-25

KJV Key Verse: Romans 1:25
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Many people make the excuse that “God made them this way” so they can continue to go off and do what they will. They blame all manner of things in their life on how they were created just so they can get away with doing what they want instead of what God wants of them. Well, the truth be told, we were all created the same way, we were all created by God and nothing more and nothing less. God created us to have a free spirit and has given each one of us a choice as to what we do with ourselves – the choices we make are our own to make. He will try to guide us, but only so far as if we are willing to listen!

God does not put in us any vile thoughts, no guile, no hatred, no uncleanness... we are the ones who choose to take on those properties. God is simply allowing us to live out our free will. He does not stop us from exercising our free will even if it is hurting Him to watch us destroy ourselves. We are polluted by the very nature we think is around us and we take on whatever social form we think we can handle. It is our choice. It is our own destruction. We see the temptations surrounding us and we give in to them. We lust after the lifestyles we see others have and go for what we can. We are the ones who change all creation which should glorify God and dishonour Him through what we do in our scandalous lifestyles.

The truth of the Gospel will continue to stand forever, but we continue to ignore it when it suits us. If we read it, we should see the truth and defend that truth – but only if we do sit down and read it or get told about it! Once we are acquainted with God, He will never leave us again but instead will open our eyes to the things we previously ignored. He will allow us to see just how far we have gone astray and give us the choice of coming back or continuing to walk our wicked ways. Just because we upheld something else in our lives, it does not mean God has gone away – He is simply giving us the choice...

Points to Ponder:
Do you think you are easily lead?

How far do you go before admitting you are the one who changed the rules?


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