Reading your Bible for today February 14

February 14: Titus 3:1-7

KJV Key Verse: Titus 3:5
5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done , but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

If we want to be loved, then we are the ones who have to start the ball rolling by showing that we are willing to love. Nobody is going to want to love someone who will not love them back. Being selfish does not show others you love them. But if we are willing to listen, be willing to do things, not be willing to gossip, not be willing to quarrel and be willing to allow things to pass, then we are taking those first important steps in showing someone we are willing to be loved and to return the love they may show us.

Christ is the one who stepped forward and has demonstrated His amazing love for us by allowing himself to be hung on the cross for our sins. He is the one who demonstrated He is willing to listen through His actions before His death. He demonstrated His willingness to do things for us, not to gossip, not to quarrel and still allow us to do things (even if they are wrong sometimes). And yet He still showed us His love by dying on the cross. It was not because we first showed Him we were willing to do anything, because we were fools, disobedient, deceiving, lusting, hating, lying fools before He went to the cross. We still are. But He is still willing to show us His love. What an Awesome God we have!

It is because Christ went further than just dying that we are able to live. He rose again from His death to conquer all sin for each one of us who look upon Him as our Lord and Saviour. His resurrection cemented His love for us showing we need not fear His love would ever dwindle or be discouraged by anything. How can we ever think that His love could ever be in doubt when we remember all He has done for us. If you want a perfect example of love today, look to Christ! It's time we started returning His love...

Points to Ponder:
Do you ever think you cannot love someone?

Do you ever think how Christ should not love you? (but He does!)


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