Reading your Bible for today February 21

Dr February 21: John 8:31-38

KJV Key Verse: John 8:34
34 Jesus answered them,Verily, verily, I say unto you*, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

You will be amazed at how many things have control in your life, the things you hear, the things you see and the things you do all act towards what you think and do. They normally get to you in that order as well. First you hear about something, then you get around to seeing it and then you get around to doing it. By that stage you have accepted it into your life and it becomes a part of your life. What you probably have not done is to think about whether it is the right thing or not – you just heard others were doing it, saw someone doing it and now you want to do it... we have come back to us wanting things in our lives.

We think we own our lives and that we are able to do anything with our lives. We think we alone are the ones who should be in charge of our own selves; that is why we do not listen to good advice! The advice may well be good, it may well help us, but we object to others having control of our lives, so we rebel against those suggestions. Straight away we have rejected something from our lives because we think we know better. The most common thing which is rejected in anyone's life has got to be solid Christian advice.

First you hear about the rebel who has a good time. Then you see a film portraying someone who rebels against society and seemingly wins out at the end. So, you start to think you should be able to rebel as well; you start to change your life to fit it with some rebellious ideas you have thought up. You may well know they are not correct, but the more you allow them in your life, the more normal you think they are! The only normal thing we should be doing is listening to the best advice on earth – the advice our God gives us through our bibles. Christ came to make sure people stood up and took notice. He made sure we would have enough information recorded so that generation after generation could hear the truth and act upon it – not against it!

Points to Ponder:
Do you think you would make a good escape artist?

How can you escape from the truth?


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