Reading your Bible for today January 12

February 12: Romans 1:18-23

KJV Key Verse: Romans 1:22
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

No matter what walk of life we are from, be it the most humble servant to the highest king or president, we all need God's gospel because it is the only way we will learn of His Salvation. There is no other way that we can be saved – these are not just the words of Christ but have been seen throughout our history time and again as people tried to buy their way through life only to fall short of the mark. Nobody can escape the wrath of God through anything that they do. No matter how good we think we are, none of us can ever think or claim we are good enough to make it to heaven without Christ's forgiveness before us.

What better way to describe hell than it being the wrath of God. For if we are not for Him, then we are against Him and then we have to face His wrath. He is our Creator and His creation is on show all around us for all of us to see. We know it is His creation, but many refuse to accept it because it would then mean they too have to give in to God's will in their lives. They too would have to give up their ways and follow Christ. There is no excuse by which we can say, “but I did not know”, because we are born with knowledge of certain things and through that we are able to know that we do have a God. Finding out just who He is, is part of our destiny.

When people do not acknowledge God, they are darkening their hearts and turning themselves into fools. They will continue to fight against the truth and all things righteous because they want to do what is right in their own eyes instead. They will continue to try to prove themselves correct against all odds. One day they will realise they can no longer hide the truth... I only hope that day is not the day they die and find out as they face Christ! God cannot be corrupted because there is no guile in Him. He cannot lie because He is the truth. We must either face up to His truth or put up with the consequences of our own lies.

Points to Ponder:
Do you always try to prove you are right?

How many times have you faced God in a speaking contest?


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