Reading your Bible for today March 1

March 1: Luke 8:22-25

KJV Key Verse: Luke 8:25
25 And he said unto them,Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another*, What manner of man* is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.

One thing we often forget is just who God is! Yes, we may well admit that He is God and He is our Creator, Guide, Father… but He alone is the one who is actually in control! We prove many times to ourselves no matter how much we feel like we are in control, something will always come along which will break our rules and cause havoc in our lives. It may be a small earthquake, a strong wind or a violent storm passing by and we suddenly realise just how out of control we are. We cannot tell these things to stop. We cannot stop the earth from shaking, the wind from blowing and the rain from falling – but He can!

We may well turn around and say we believe in God and we trust Christ to help us in our lives – but where does that trust and faith go when we get into a spot of danger? Where does it go when we are in an aeroplane which is being tossed about by wind? Where does it go when we are trying to climb up or down a mountain side we think is too steep or slippery? Our own internal fear blocks us from trusting in Him. I am not saying we should all go out and try and scale Mount Everest tomorrow! Our fear should be able to guide us away from doing something foolish! But when we are going about our normal lives and we are confronted by something like an earthquake, we have to depend on Him for our safety. If we feel like we are in mortal danger, then we should be praying and asking Him to sort things out. We don’t have to worry about Him being asleep or Him not seeing us or hearing us – we just need to have faith that He will answer our prayers!

Why is it then we only turn to Him when things go wrong? Why do we not have Him by our side always? Why do we not continue in prayer so that we will never be alone? The answer is simple, we forget about our faith when we feel safe… That is the time when the evil one will focus on to distract us and to prevent us growing closer and safer with God!

Points to Ponder:
Who do you turn to when you need help?

Who do you turn to every other time?


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