Reading your Bible for today March 15

March 15: John 13:2-11

KJV Key Verse: John 13:10
10 Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not * save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all.

Our Lord Jesus has many in this world who are His; He has purchased them. He paid a dear price. His love for them knows no bounds and will never end. Nothing will ever separate them from His love. Who are these people? Believers… His Children…

Jesus came before each of the disciples in turn and washed their feet, just as a servant would wash their masters’ feet after a journey. With this single act, He told a great story, one which needs to be remembered by us all. Let us not forget He had come into Jerusalem on a mount (even if it was only a donkey) and was greeted and treated as a returning King. People were saying the King of the Jews had returned – much to the annoyance of the chief priests. But now, as He and His disciples were gathered, He showed His willingness to show humility by washing their feet. He reminded us, one and all, that we must never think anything is beneath us. No matter what the task is at hand, nothing should ever be seen as being beneath us.

He laid aside everything in order to take on this task so nothing would hinder Him. He gave everything up to take on the lowest task at that time. He, King of Kings, Lord of Lord, was at that moment, their servant.

He also did this to signify the need for spiritual washing, the cleansing of the soul. Without which, we would never be able to get into heaven. It is only through what Christ has done for us we are able to have our souls washed clean, so we may abide in God’s kingdom where this is no more sin! It is only Christ who can do that washing and He is willing and able to do it. He has already paid the price for it. All we need do is to ask for His forgiveness so He can do exactly that.

Points to Ponder:
Are you willing to do things like wash the toilet at home?

What would you do if Christ called you to help Him do something unpleasant?


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