Reading your Bible for today March 17

March 17: Proverbs 30:24-28

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 30:25
25 The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;

You don’t have to go and find the biggest and best in order to find wisdom because there is so much wisdom in God’s creation – all we need do is look around us. What could be weaker than an ant? You can stand on them and kill them without even knowing about it. It is little wonder then ants are used in a proverb to describe someone’s utter weakness. And yet to watch them you would wonder about their intelligence. You can marvel at the amount that they are able to do, the size of objects they are able to pick up and even the way they gather together. Yet God has given these creatures the ability to go out and gather all that is required in the summer months so that they can survive the winter. What an awesome God we have!

Coneys, rock-rabbits, rock-badgers, whatever you would want to call them are another surprise that we overlook all the time. What else would make its home in the midst of rocks? Yet that is the place God has given them to have their homes, knowing it is the best possible protection for them from those they seek them as food. They feed on the things which God has given them amongst the rocks and have a fruitful life.

Locusts seem to be in a world of their own. Seeking one is nothing special, but when faced with a huge swarm of them, nothing is going to survive. Who is the one guiding them as they swarm, for they have no leader. Who is the one who gives them direction? Why do they gather is such numbers as to seemingly cover the face of the earth? Again, a small and insignificant animal or insect, but one that can cause havoc or cause us to marvel.

The humble lizard can be found almost anywhere in warm climates. From the rocks out in the country to the kings’ palaces, they can be found anywhere – just as spiders are found everywhere. Who, but our Creator, can keep an eye on all of these for us to marvel at. What an awesome God we have!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you stop to watch nature?

How often do you think about God’s Creation?


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