Reading your Bible for today March 18

March 18: Job 12:7-12

KJV Key Verse: Job 12:7
7 But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:

Do you ever think some people are just too clever for their own good or too something-or-other whatever that may be? Sometimes we look at others and ask ourselves, why on earth are they able to get away with that! We look at people ruining other countries, we look at people ruining their own lives, we look at people who don’t seem to care, and we think… why? Why can’t they see what is going on? Why can’t they look around themselves and see what is real? As Job says here, we only need look at the animals around us to figure out just how wonderful a God we have. We don’t need to go on a 10-year research trip to find out if there is a God. We just need to open our eyes!

But then we start to look at thieves and robbers and ask why they can prosper. We look at the evil and impious and ask why they are allowed to prosper. What are we actually looking at? What are we seeing? We are looking at the prosperity of one or two individuals in a world of billions. We are looking at the monetary gain of a few people when God is looking at the whole picture. Just like we might not be able to understand why the hummingbird seemingly expends so much energy to gain a small amount, we do not fully understand this world that we live in.

Take a look around and see the many wonderful things God gives us. Not just the money in our pockets but the grass on the ground, the trees, the birds, the deer and even the scores of rabbits. He is the one who is allowing each one of those things to prosper for a reason. He is the one who is allowing each of us to prosper. He is the one who is allowing the evil and impious to survive and even prosper whilst on earth… for a reason… If we cannot understand the simplicity of nature, then how can we hope to understand the complexity of the universe! God is in control! We just need to realise it!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you marvel at nature?

How often do you thank God for nature?


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